A Northwest
A Northwest

Try Tri-Cities Retail

With the fastest growing population and third greatest per capita retail sales rank in Washington State, capitalize on affordable commercial space, connectivity, and regional shopper draw to the Tri-Cities.

Considered the shopping hub for southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon, and a Northwest destination for wine and recreation tourists, opportunities are plentiful and demand is strong throughout Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland, comprising the fourth largest metropolitan statistical area in the state.

Download the Try Tri-Cities Retail Fact Sheet

Opportunity Centers

From the bustling mall to eclectic downtowns, and waterfront fun to convenient neighborhood plazas, Tri-Cities provides opportunities for you to expand your retail business!


While not all available sites and buildings are posted, check here for listings and neighborhood demographic data.

For comprehensive site selection assistance and information:

City of Kennewick
Rohana Carmichael
Economic Development Marketing Specialist
Office: (509) 585-4532

City of Pasco
Rick White
Community & Economic Development Director
Office (509) 545-3441

City of Richland
Darin Arrasmith
City Planner
Office: (509) 942-7583

City of West Richland
Eric Mendenhall
Community Development Manager
Office: (509) 967-3431

Port of Benton
Miles Thomas
Director of Economic Development and Governmental Affairs
Office: (509) 375-3060

Port of Kennewick
Amber Hanchette
Director of Real Estate & Operations
Office: (509) 586-8596

Port of Pasco
Stephen McFadden
Director of Economic Development & Marketing
Office: (509) 547-3378